Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cloverfield Review

My impression of this so called "Monster" Movie. First off, I knew the "Monster" personally. Couldn't be more of a twat. Can you believe he sometimes wears brown shows with a black suit. Back on subject. This is about a "Monster" attacking New York. My only real problem with it is that the main characters are all humans! YES another movie about humans and THEIR problems.Of course they made the "Monster" have no personality. I mean it never talks about how it enjoys the musical stylings of Steve Burns or anything like that. No it just kills everything. Just the usual stereotype. This movie greatly disappoints Elbow Squid. And has set "Monsters" Back another fifty years. That my followers is my review.  

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Example killings.

I need to start making examples of all who oppose me, you know...for image.

Hello Humans

You may or may not have heard of me. I am the Elbow Squid. First name Elbow, last name Squid. I have evolved your human elbows and plan on destroying most of your race. But if you bow down and worship me, i might let you live.  
This blog was created to give you the Do's and Dont's of Elbow Squid Society. What you may like, and what you must hate. Follow the instructions i give you, and you will live.